To obtain the very much needed reduction of Feynman integrals in two-loop five-light-parton scattering amplitudes, we only need to consider integrals that originate from the four topologies shown in Fig. 1. All the other Feynman integrals are one-loop-like, and can be dealt with much easier.
Figure 1. All 8-propagator families: (a) double-pentagon; (b) hexa-box; (c) penta-box; (d) hexa-triangle.
Let us consider the most complicated case, topology (a) in Fig. 1, as an example that will explain what kind of Feynman integrals do we need to reduce. There are five external momenta
$ p_1,\cdots,p_5 $ flowing into the diagram, satisfying on-shell conditions$ p_i^2 = 0 $ ($ i = 1,\cdots,5 $ ) and momentum conservation$ \sum_{i = 1}^5 p_i = 0 $ . As a result, this problem contains five independent mass scales, which can be chosen as$ \vec{s} = \{s_1,s_{2},s_{3},s_{4},s_{5}\} $ with$ s_{i}\equiv2p_i\cdot p_{i+1} $ and$ p_6\equiv p_1 $ . With two loop momenta$ \ell_1 $ and$ \ell_2 $ , a complete set of Lorentz scalars can be chosen as$\begin{split} D_1 = &\ell_1^2,D_2 = (\ell_1+p_1)^2,\,D_3 = (\ell_1+p_1+p_2)^2,\,\\ D_4 =& \ell_2^2,\,D_5 = (\ell_2+p_3)^2, D_6 =(\ell_1+\ell_2+p_1+p_2+p_3)^2,\,\\ D_7 =& (\ell_1+\ell_2-p_4)^2,\,D_8 =(\ell_1+\ell_2)^2,\\ D_9 =& (\ell_2+p_1)^2,D_{10} = (\ell_2+p_2)^2,\\D_{11} =& (\ell_2+p_4)^2, \end{split}$
(1) where the first eight are inverse propagators and the last three are introduced to make the set complete. Then, the family of integrals defined by topology (a) can be expressed as
$ I_{\vec{\nu}}(\epsilon,\vec{s}\,) = \int\frac{{\rm{d}}^{4-2\epsilon}\ell_1\, {\rm{d}}^{4-2\epsilon}\ell_2}{({\rm{i}}\pi^{2-\epsilon})^2}\,\frac{D_9^{-\nu_9}D_{10}^{-\nu_{10}}D_{11}^{-\nu_{11}}}{D_1^{\nu_1}...\,D_8^{\nu_8}}, $
(2) where the indexes
$ \nu_{1}, \cdots, \nu_8 $ are integers,$ \nu_9 $ ,$ \nu_{10} $ and$ \nu_{11} $ are nonpositive integers. Two integrals in this family are said to be in the same sector if the positions of their positive indexes are the same. The degree of an integral is defined by the opposite value of the summation of all of its negative indexes. Finally, we call a degree-m integral is$ \frac{m}{n} $ -type if it has n positive indexes and all of these positive indexes are$ 1 $ . For example,$ I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}} $ is a degree-5 integral in the top sector, and it is$ \frac{5}{8} $ -type.For later convenience, we define operators
$ {\hat{m}^\pm} $ (for a non-negative integer m), which generate a set of integrals in the same sector or its subsectors when acting on an integral. For any integral$ I_{\vec{\nu}} $ ,$ {\hat{0}^\pm}I_{\vec{\nu}} = I_{\vec{\nu}} $ ,$ {\widehat{m+1}^\pm}I_{\vec{\nu}} = {\hat m^\pm \hat 1^\pm}I_{\vec{\nu}} $ ,$ {\hat 1^-}I_{\vec{\nu}} $ generates a set of integrals with one index decreased by 1, and$ {\hat 1^+}I_{\vec{\nu}} $ generates a set of integrals with one nonzero index increased by 1. For example, we have$ \begin{split} & \hat{1}^+I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}} = \{I_{\{2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}},\\&\quad I_{\{1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}}, I_{\{1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}},\\&\quad I_{\{1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}}, I_{\{1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}},\\ &\quad I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,-4,0,-1\}}, I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,-4,0,-1\}}, \\ &\quad I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,-4,0,-1\}}, I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-3,0,-1\}},\\ &\quad I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,0\}}\}\,, \end{split} $
(3) and
$ \begin{split} &\hat{1}^-I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}} = \{I_{\{0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}},\\ &\quad I_{\{1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}}, I_{\{1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}}, \\ &\quad I_{\{1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}}, I_{\{1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,-4,0,-1\}},\\ &\quad I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,-4,0,-1\}}, I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,-4,0,-1\}}, \\ &\quad I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,-4,0,-1\}}, I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-5,0,-1\}},\\ &\quad I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,-1,-1\}},I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-4,0,-2\}}\}\,. \end{split} $
(4) We also define operators
$ {\hat m}^\circleddash $ , which can generate a set of integrals as a union of integrals generated by$ \{\hat m^-, \widehat{m-1}^-,\cdots,\hat 0^-\} $ when acting on an integral.As is well-known, the most complicated② integrals in the amplitudes are those with the highest number of propagators, i.e.,
$ \nu_{i} = 1\; (i = 1,\cdots,8) $ , and the highest numerator degree, i.e.,$ -(\nu_9+\nu_{10}+\nu_{11}) $ . By studying the two-loop five-gluon scattering amplitude diagram by diagram, we find that the highest numerator degree is 5 for all integrals. Therefore, we define an integral set$ S_{(a)} = {\hat 5}^\circleddash I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0\}}, $
(5) which contains 3914 nonzero integrals with all of the most complicated integrals in five-gluon scattering amplitude being included. Because the five-gluon scattering amplitude is sufficiently general, all of the most complicated integrals (if not all integrals) belonging to topology (a) appearing in five-light-parton scattering amplitudes are included in set
$ S_{(a)} $ . In fact, for the two-loop five-gluon all-plus helicity amplitude, integrals in topology (a) form a subset of$ S_{(a)} $ [5]. Therefore, for the purpose of reducing integrals in physical amplitudes, the main job for topology (a) is to reduce integrals in set$ S_{(a)} $ .For topologies (b), (c), and (d) in Fig. 1, we define sets of target integrals
$ S_{(b)} $ ,$ S_{(c)} $ and$ S_{(d)} $ , similar to$ S_{(a)} $ . -
To apply the above-proposed search strategy to physical problems, we still need to introduce the reduction scheme, which amounts to choosing target integrals and other integrals that are allowed to appear in each block. In this paper, integrals in each block are defined by operator
$ {\hat m}^\circleddash $ acting on a proper integral. For example, to reduce the integrals in$ S_{(a)} $ , all of the integrals are allowed to appear in the first block, and the target integrals in this block are all the 21 most complicated integrals in the top sector with degree 5. The first block enables us to express all the 21 most complicated integrals in terms of simpler integrals. Then, in the second block, we choose the most complicated integrals among the rest of the integrals as target integrals, and use operator$ {\hat m}^\circleddash $ acting on a proper integral to generate a set of integrals that covers all the target integrals. Then, the process is repeated. Eventually, any integral can be expressed in terms of simpler integrals.Using the above method, we successfully determined systems of block-triangular relations for integrals in the four topologies in Fig. 1. The file sizes for all of these relations are acceptable, ~148 MB. To obtain these results required ~200 central processing unit (CPU) core hours to search for relations in the second step of the two-step search strategy, in addition to hundreds of CPU-core hours for generating input information by numerically solving the system obtained in the first step. Some basic information about these results is listed in Table 1.
top. $\#$ int.$\#$ MIs$t_{\rm{search}}$ /h$t_{\rm{solve}}$ /ssize/MB (a) $3914$ $108$ 112 0.17 66 (b) $3584$ $73$ 31 0.090 40 (c) $3458$ $61$ 56 0.075 31 (d) $2634$ $28$ 8 0.035 11 Table 1. Main information about the obtained reduction relations.
$t_{\rm{search}}$ represents the CPU time required to search for these relations in the units of CPU-core hours.$t_{\rm{solve}}$ represents the time spent to solve these relations numerically using one CPU.For more intuitive understanding, we show a matrix density plot for the block-triangular system of topology (a) in Fig. 2. This system contains 3914 integrals and 108 MIs, which means we need 3806 linear relations to reduce all of the target integrals. In this plot, each line represents a relation, each column corresponds to an integral, and black points represent nonzero elements in the matrix. Integrals are ordered, from the most complicated one to the simplest one, with MIs at the end of each line. The matrix is exactly block-triangular, and the largest block contains only tens of relations.
Figure 2. Matrix density plot for relations of topology (a). Each row represents a relation and each column represents an integral. Black points represent nonzero elements.
Analytic expressions for all of these relations are available from the website in [57]. Technical details about our reduction scheme can be found in appendix.
We take integrals originated from topology (a) in the main text as an example for explaining the details of our technique.
We want to set up a set of relations, using which we can express all integrals in
$ S_{(a)} $ in terms of MIs for any given phase-space point (rational numbers for both$ \vec{s} $ and$ \epsilon $ ), with coefficients calculated in the finite field of a 63-bit prime number. Although the IBP method [25-35] can do this, we would like to explain in the following that our method proposed in [52] may provide a better choice.For each given integral
$ I_{\vec{\nu}} $ , called a seed, there are 12 IBP relations among the integral set$\tag{A1} G_{\vec{\nu}}^{\rm{IBP}} = \{\hat{1}^+, \hat{1}^-\hat{1}^+\} I_{\vec{\nu}}. $
(6) In addition, there are six relations owing to the Lorentz invariance [55], which can be interpreted as linear combinations of IBP relations from other seeds [56].
The above IBP relations can also be found out easily using the method proposed in [52]. To this end, we introduce a parameter
$ \eta $ for all integrals in$ G_{\vec{\nu}}^{\rm{IBP}} $ , and then search relations among them using input information from the series representation [52, 53]. Up to$ d_{\rm{max}} = 1 $ , where$ d_{\rm{max}} $ is a half of the maximal value of the mass dimension for the coefficients of relations, we find at least 12 relations; while up to$ d_{\rm{max}} = 2 $ we find at least 12+6 relations. Because these relations are analytical in$ \eta $ , we can take$ \eta\to0 $ directly and recover the aforementioned$ 12+6 $ IBP relations.The advantage of our method in [52] is that it allows to search for relations among any set of integrals. As the simplest generalization of
$ G_{\vec{\nu}}^{\rm{IBP}} $ , we can define an integral set$\tag{A2} G_{\vec{\nu}} = \{\hat{1}^+, \hat{1}^-\hat{1}^+,\hat{1}^-\} I_{\vec{\nu}}, $
(7) and search relations among them. Up to
$ d_{\rm{max}} = 2 $ , there are typically 2 more relations besides 12+6 IBP relations for each seed. With more relations in hand, it is possible to select better relations to achieve a more efficient reduction. For example, our relations from all$ \frac{4}{8} $ -type seeds can already reduce 15 out of all$ \frac{5}{8} $ -type integrals to integrals with lower degree (these relations are available at [57]). IBP relations from these seeds cannot achieve this, because$ \frac{5}{8} $ -type integrals do not show up.One can certainly explore other integral sets for each seed, to further improve the reduction efficiency. We did not do that because the efficiency of either the IBP set (6) or the generalized set (7) is sufficient for us to deal with the problem in this work.
With integral sets in hand, we generate a system of linear equations from all seeds belonging to
$ \frac{m}{n} $ -type with$ 3\leqslant n \leqslant 8 $ and$ 0\leqslant m \leqslant 5 $ , and use the package$ \verb"FiniteFlow"$ [35] to trim the system by removing redundant relations and solving the trimmed system numerically, which expresses all integrals in$ S_{(a)} $ as linear combinations of 108 MIs (after exploring symmetries among MIs using$\verb"LiteRed" $ ). -
In this step, we search linear relations to reduce the given target integrals in
$ G_1\subseteq S_{(a)} $ to simpler integrals in$ G_2\subseteq S_{(a)} $ (the reducibility can be tested numerically easily). Combining the reduction scheme that will be described in the next section, a block-triangular system can be finally obtained.We first describe how to search linear relations among the integral set
$ G: = \{I_1,\ldots,I_N\}\subseteq S_{(a)} $ of the form$\tag{A3} \sum\limits_{i = 1}^N Q_i(\epsilon,\vec{s}\,) I_i(\epsilon,\vec{s}\,) = 0\,, $
(8) where
$ Q_i(\epsilon,\vec{s}\,) $ can be decomposed as$\tag{A4} Q_i(\epsilon,\vec{s}\,) = \sum\limits_{\kappa = 0}^{\epsilon_{\rm{max}}} \sum\limits_{\vec{\lambda}\in\Omega_{d_i}} \tilde{Q}_i^{ \kappa\lambda_1\ldots \lambda_5} \,\epsilon^{\kappa}s_1^{\lambda_1}\cdots s_5^{\lambda_5}, $
(9) where
$ \epsilon_{\rm{max}} $ is the maximal power of$ \epsilon $ allowed to appear in the relation,$ \Omega_{d_i} = \{\vec{\lambda}\in\mathbb{N}^5|\,\lambda_1+\cdots+\lambda_5 = d_i\} $ ,$ d_i $ is a half of the mass dimension of$ Q_i $ which can be fixed by$ d_{\rm{max}}\equiv{\rm{max}}\{d_1,\cdots,d_N\} $ , and$ \tilde{Q}_i^{ \kappa\lambda_1\ldots \lambda_5} $ are unknown rational numbers to be determined. It is crucial to point out that, for given$ \epsilon_{\rm{max}} $ and$ d_{\rm{max}} $ , the number of unknowns is finite. Therefore, it can be determined by a finite number of constraints. As will be explained in the following, these unknowns can be determined by the result obtained in the first step.Based on the system of equations in the first step, for a given numerical point
$ \epsilon $ and$ \vec{s} $ every integral in G can be represented as an 108-dimensional vector, with elements being the projection onto MIs,$\tag{A5} I_i = \{C_{i,1}, \cdots, C_{i,108}\}\,,\quad i = 1,\cdots,N\,. $
(10) By inserting these numerical vectors into Eq. (8), we obtain a vector equation, which results in at most 108 independent constraints over the unknowns. By repeating the above procedure many times (at most several thousand in this work), a sufficient number of constraints can be obtained, for determining all of the unknowns. As the above values are actually calculated in the finite field of a given prime number, we still need to repeat the procedure for several different prime numbers (at most 15 in this work) and use the Chinese remainder theorem to reconstruct the real results of the unknowns. Finally, linear relations with given
$ d_{\rm{max}} $ and$ \epsilon_{\rm{max}} $ are obtained.To reduce
$ G_1 $ to$ G_2 $ , we just set$ G: = G_1\cup G_2 $ and search relations among G with different values of$ d_{\rm{max}} $ and$ \epsilon_{\rm{max}} $ . For the purpose of the current work, we find it is sufficient to fix$ \epsilon_{\rm{max}} = 3 $ . To find out simple relations, we follow the algorithm proposed in [52] by starting the search procedure with$ d_{\rm{max}} = 0 $ and increasing$ d_{\rm{max}} $ by 1 each time, until enough relations are obtained to reduce$ G_1 $ to$ G_2 $ . -
The reduction scheme determines which integrals should be involved in each block. We generate the integrals through previously defined operator
$ {\hat m}^\circleddash $ acting on properly chosen integrals.For example, in the first block for topology (a), we need to reduce the most complicated
$ \frac{5}{8} $ -type integrals. To this end, we set$ G: = S_{(a)} = {\hat 5}^\circleddash I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0\}} $ with$ G_1 $ chosen as all 21$ \frac{5}{8} $ -type integrals. We indeed find out 21 independent relations, which can reduce all$ \frac{5}{8} $ -type integrals to simpler integrals. The most complicated relation corresponds to$ d_{\rm{max}} = 7 $ , which means that the coefficients of$ \frac{5}{8} $ -type integrals are degree-2 polynomials in$ \vec{s} $ . We then reduce$ \frac{4}{8} $ -type integrals, which can be realized by setting$ G = {\hat 4}^\circleddash I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0\}} $ with$ G_1 $ chosen as all 15$ \frac{4}{8} $ -type integrals. To reduce the rest of the top-sector integrals, we set$ G = {\hat 3}^\circleddash I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0\}} $ with$ G_1 $ chosen as 11 top-sector integrals that are not MIs.After reducing the top-sector integrals, we still need to reduce the integrals in the subsectors. For example, for the seven-propagator sector
$ I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0\}} $ , whose most complicated integrals in$ S_{(a)} $ are of$ \frac{4}{7} $ -type, we set$ G = {\hat 4}^\circleddash I_{\{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0\}} $ with$ G_1 $ chosen as all 35$ \frac{4}{7} $ -type integrals in this sector.Based on the above scheme, we obtain 3801 reduction relations. By introducing additional 5 symmetry relations among MIs, we have 3806 relations in total that can express 3914 integrals in
$ S_{(a)} $ as linear combinations of 108 MIs.We note that there is a way to further reduce the block size that has not been applied in this work. For example, by setting
$ G = {\hat 3}^\circleddash I_{\{0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1,0,0\}} $ , we can generate smaller-size blocks to reduce a part of$ \frac{4}{7} $ -type integrals.
Complete reduction of integrals in two-loop five-light-parton scattering amplitudes
- Received Date: 2020-05-07
- Available Online: 2020-09-01
Abstract: We reduce all the most complicated Feynman integrals in two-loop five-light-parton scattering amplitudes to basic master integrals, while other integrals can be reduced even easier. Our results are expressed as systems of linear relations in the block-triangular form, very efficient for numerical calculations. Our results are crucial for complete next-to-next-to-leading order quantum chromodynamics calculations for three-jet, photon, and/or hadron production at hadron colliders. To determine the block-triangular relations, we develop an efficient and general method, which may provide a practical solution to the bottleneck problem of reducing multiloop multiscale integrals.