In the usual paradigm for charmed meson production in high-energy heavy-ion collisions, charm quarks are produced through the initial hard scatterings [33]. These heavy quarks experience energy loss and momentum diffusion in the QGP through both elastic and inelastic collisions with the medium, which can be modeled as the drag and diffusion coefficients in the Boltzmann-Langevin equations. The final D mesons are formed through charm quark fragmentation at high
$ p_T $ [34-36] or charm-light quark recombination at low and intermediate$ p_T $ [37]. Such transport models for initial heavy quark and final meson production can describe the charm meson spectra and elliptic flow well in high-energy heavy-ion collisions [25, 26]. However, it is still interesting to investigate whether and to what degree the heavy quarks achieve kinematic equilibrium. If these heavy quarks indeed reach local thermal equilibrium, one should expect that the hydrodynamic model can also describe heavy meson spectra and elliptic flow. Furthermore, a hydrodynamic picture overcomes the difficulty of the transport equation when the coupling becomes large between charm quarks or mesons and the medium.In this study, we consider the extreme scenario and investigate the charmed meson spectra and elliptic flow in the limit of the fully thermalized low-
$ p_T $ charm quarks. These low-$ p_T $ charm quarks are still produced initially through hard processes; however, the interactions are assumed to be strong enough that they quickly diffuse into the medium and lose the memory of their initial distribution in phase space, both in terms of the spatial location and momentum of the initial production through hard processes. In the momentum space, they are assumed to reach full kinetic equilibrium and comove with the medium, flowing with the strongly coupled QGP as light quarks and gluons. Finally, the charm quarks transit to charm hadrons with a phase transition of the bulk medium, where we assume the interaction in the hadronic phase is still strong enough to maintain the kinetic equilibrium and equilibrium ratios of different species of charm mesons. In this situation, the low-$ p_T $ D mesons are produced in the same way as other light hadrons on the freeze-out hypersurface in a relativistic hydrodynamic model. The temperature and fluid velocity profiles on the freeze-out hypersurface are crucial for a reasonable estimate of the D-meson spectra and elliptic flow in the limit of a complete heavy-quark thermalization. We will use the rapidity distribution,$ p_T $ spectra, and elliptic flow of charged pions to calibrate the hydrodynamic model.For completeness, we have to consider
$ D^0 $ mesons from the feed-down of$ D^* $ . Using the feed-down tables from [37, 38],$ D^*(2007)^0 \xrightarrow{64.7{\text{%}}} D^0(1865) + \pi^0, $
(1) $ D^*(2007)^0 \xrightarrow{35.3{\text{%}}} D^0(1865) + \gamma, $
(2) $ D^*(2010)^+ \xrightarrow{68{\text{%}}} D^0(1865) + \pi^+ $
(3) Note that the
$ D^* $ 's are vector mesons with spin 1. Therefore, the spin degeneracy ratio for$ D^* / D $ is$ 3:1 $ . -
The hydrodynamic model we use, CLVisc, is a (3+1)D viscous hydrodynamic model parallelized on GPU using OpenCL [32]. The program is well tested against several analytical solutions and can describe the bulk hadron spectra and anisotropic flow in high-energy heavy-ion collisions at top RHIC and LHC energy. It simulates the fluid dynamic evolution of the strongly interacting QCD matter created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions by solving the fluid dynamic equations
$ \nabla_\mu T^{\mu\nu} = 0, {\ \ {{\rm{with}}}\ \ } T^{\mu\nu} = \varepsilon u^\mu u^\nu - P\Delta^{\mu\nu}+\pi^{\mu\nu}, $
(4) where
$ \varepsilon $ is the energy density, P is the pressure as a function of energy density given by the equation of state (EoS),$ \Delta^{\mu\nu} = g^{\mu\nu}-u^\mu u^\nu $ is a projection operator,$ u^\mu $ is the fluid four-velocity obeying$ u^\mu u_\mu = 1 $ and$ \pi^{\mu\nu} $ is the shear stress tensor.The initial condition for entropy density distribution in the transverse plane is provided by the Trento Monte Carlo model [39, 40]. An envelope function is used to approximate the longitudinal distribution along the space-time rapidity,
$ H\left(\eta_{s}\right) = \exp \left[-\frac{\left(|\eta_{s}|-\eta_{w}\right)^{2}}{2 \sigma_{\eta}^{2}} \theta\left(|\eta_{s}|-\eta_{w}\right)\right], $
(5) where
$ \sigma_{\eta} = 1.5 $ and$ \sigma_{w} = 1.3 $ are used for Au+Au collisions at$ \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 $ GeV.We have assumed an initial time for the hydrodynamics
$ \tau_0 = 0.6 $ fm. In the present study, we use the partial chemical equilibrium EoS with chemical freeze-out temperature 165 MeV and a smooth crossover between a QGP at high temperature and hadron resonance gas (HRG) EoS at low temperature [41] as inspired by the lattice QCD study.Baryons and mesons passing through the freeze-out hyper-surface are assumed to obey Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions, respectively. Their momentum distributions are given by the Cooper-Frye formula [31],
$ \frac{{\rm d}N_i}{{\rm d}y p_T{\rm d}p_T{\rm d}\phi} = \frac{g_i}{(2\pi)^3}\int{p^\mu {\rm d}\Sigma_\mu f(p\cdot u)}(1+\delta f), $
(6) where
$ g_i = 2 {\rm{spin}} + 1 $ is the spin degeneracy,$ p^{\mu} $ is the four-momenta of produced particles in the laboratory frame,$ \Sigma_{\mu} $ is the freeze-out hyper-surface,$ f(p\cdot u) $ is the Fermi-Dirac/Bose-Einstein distribution function,$ f(p\cdot u) = \frac{1}{\exp \left[\left(p \cdot u-\mu_{i}\right) / T_{\mathrm{frz}}\right] \pm 1} , $
(7) and
$ \delta f $ is the non-equilibrium correction,$ \delta f = \left(1 \mp f_{\mathrm{eq}}\right) \frac{p_{\mu} p_{\nu} \pi^{\mu \nu}}{2 T_{\mathrm{frz}}^{2}(\varepsilon+P)}. $
(8) We have chosen the freeze-out temperature
$ T_{fz} = 137 $ MeV for light flavor hadrons. The freeze-out temperatures for D mesons are different, and we consider several values to provide an estimate of the uncertainties.The elliptic flow of D mesons is defined as the second coefficient of the Fourier decomposition of their azimuthal angle distributions with respect to the event plane of light hadrons,
$ \frac{{\rm d}^{3} N}{p_{{T}} {\rm d} p_{{T}} {\rm d} y {\rm d} \phi} = \frac{{\rm d}^{2} N}{2 \pi p_{{T}} {\rm d} p_{{T}} {\rm d} y}\left[1+\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{\infty} 2 v_{n} \cos \left(n\left(\phi-\Psi_{\mathrm{EP}}\right)\right)\right]. $
(9) -
We compare the charm meson spectra and flow calculated from the hydrodynamic freeze-out model to that from a transport model [24]. The transport approach assumes that heavy quarks, including those with low momentum in the comoving frame of the medium, remain good quasi-particles in the QGP. Therefore, the dynamics of low-
$ p_T $ heavy flavors can be described by a Boltzmann-type transport equation,$ \begin{aligned}[b] \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial t}+{{v}}\cdot \nabla\right) f_Q(t,{{x}}, {{p}}) =& \int \left[\frac{{\rm d}R}{{\rm d}{{q}}^3}(p+q,q) f_Q(p+q) \right. \\&\left.-\frac{{\rm d}R}{{\rm d}{{q}}^3}(p,q)f_Q(p)\right] {\rm d}{{q}}^3. \end{aligned}$
(10) Here,
$f_Q(t, { x}, { p})$ is the phase-space density of heavy flavors: heavy quarks or heavy mesons (heavy baryons are omitted in this study).${\rm d}R(p,q)/{\rm d}q^3$ is the differential rate for a heavy flavor particle with momentum p to transfer three-momentum${{q}}$ to the local medium with flow velocity u and temperature T.The hydrodynamic and the transport model have both overlapping and distinct regimes of application. Both models contain the equilibrium situation. Compared to the hydrodynamic approach, a transport model also governs the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of heavy flavor particles. The traces of off-equilibrium effects can be important in a finite and expanding plasma with moderate coupling between heavy quarks and the medium. In the meantime, hydrodynamics can describe the evolution with large couplings and in the non-quasiparticle regime, which is beyond the applicability of the transport approach. Therefore, both models provide complementary pictures to understand the experimental data.
The initial charm quark spectrum that initializes the transport equation is obtained from the perturbative QCD based FONLL [42, 43] calculation with EPPS16 nuclear parton distribution function [44]. In the medium above the pseudo-critical temperature (
$ T>T_c $ ), we assume the heavy flavors exist as deconfined heavy quarks. The interaction rate consists of two parts with a comparable contribution to heavy quark energy loss at intermediate$ p_T $ region: collisional processes and medium-induced gluon radiations.Collisional process in the QGP Collisional processes are mainly modeled by two-body scatterings between the heavy quark and medium partons,
$\begin{aligned}[b] \frac{{\rm d}R_{i = q,g}}{{\rm d}{{q}}^3} =& \int \overline{|M_{Qi\rightarrow Q'i'}^2|}\frac{d_i f(p_i)}{16\pi^2 E_QE_Q'} \frac{{d}^3p_i}{2E_i} \frac{{d}^3p_i'}{2E_i'} \\&\times\delta^{(4)}(p_Q+p_i-p_Q'-p_i'), \end{aligned} $
(11) where Q (i) and
$ Q' $ ($ i' $ ) labels the initial and final state heavy quark (medium quark or gluon).${{{p}}_{{Q}}'} = {{{p}}_{{Q}}}+{{q}}$ is the three-momentum transfer to the heavy quark.$ \overline{|M_{Qi\rightarrow Q'i'}^2|} $ is the squared amplitude of the two-body collision at leading order, averaging over the initial-stage quantum number and summed over the final-state quantum number. The$ \hat{t} $ -channel divergence is screened using the QCD non-perturbative scale$ \Lambda = 0.2 $ GeV and the Debye screening mass$ m_D = \sqrt{6\pi\alpha_s} T $ of a three-flavor plasma,$ \overline{|M_{Qi\rightarrow Q'i'}^2|} \sim \frac{1}{\hat{t}^2} \rightarrow \frac{1}{(\hat{t}-\Lambda^2)(\hat{t}-m_D^2)}. $
(12) Finally,
$f(p_i) = {\rm e}^{-p_i\cdot u/T}$ is the classical thermal distribution function of the medium parton in plasma with local four-velocity u and temperature T, obtained from hydrodynamic simulations. The degeneracy factors for medium quarks and gluons are$ d_g = 2 d_A = 16 $ and$ d_q = $ $ 4 N_f N_c = 36 $ , respectively. Besides perturbative scatterings, an additional effective heavy-quark diffusion constant of the form$ \frac{\Delta \kappa_D}{T^3} = A+\frac{B}{ET} $
(13) is introduced to mimic a possible non-perturbative contribution that peaks at low energy and low temperature. The effective heavy-quark-medium coupling parameter and the parameters in the non-perturbative diffusion constant are tuned in [24] to the suppression and momentum anisotropy of the production of open heavy flavor particles.
Medium-induced radiative process in the QGP phase Heavy quarks can radiate additional gluons in the collision with medium partons. This is treated similarly to the rate in Eq. (11) for collisional processes, using two-to-three-body matrix-elements. One complication is that energetic gluon radiation in the rest frame of the medium is suppressed due to the QCD Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect. In [24], this was included by restricting the phase-space of the radiated gluon using an interference factor motivated by the Higher-Twist approach
$ 2[1-\cos( t/\tau_f)] $ , where t is the time since the last gluon radiation, while$ \tau_f = 2x(1-x)E_Q/(k_\perp^2+x^2M^2) $ is the gluon formation time. Despite the LPM suppression, the radiative energy loss was found to be equally important in the intermediate$ p_T $ region.Heavy quark hadronization and hadronic rescattering At the pseudo-critical temperature, charm quarks hadronize to D-mesons through both fragmentation and recombination mechanisms [45]. In the hadronic phase, D-mesons continued to interact with the light mesons via D-
$ \pi $ and D-$ \rho $ scatterings [46] as implemented in Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (UrQMD) [47, 48].
Hydrodynamic description of D meson production in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
- Received Date: 2021-01-05
- Available Online: 2021-07-15
Abstract: The large values and constituent-quark-number scaling of the elliptic flow of low-