Experiments were performed at the Heavy Ion Research Facility (HIRFL) [24–27] of the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. An
$ ^{18} {\rm{O}}$ primary beam with an intensity of$ \approx $ 106 particles per second was accelerated to 280 MeV/nucleon by the main Cooler Storage Ring (CSRm) synchrotron and impinged on a 15-mm-thick 9Be production target. The secondary cocktail beams of interest produced by the projectile fragmentation of$ ^{18} {\rm{O}}$ were separated and identified by the Second Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL2) [28] and delivered to the External Target Facility (ETF) [29] area for the experiments. Fig. 1 presents a schematic diagram of the layout of the RIBLL2 and the employed detectors at the ETF terminal. Five magnetic field settings were applied to the RIBLL2 to produce the$ ^{12-16} {\rm{C}}$ secondary beams. The particle identification for the secondary beams is achieved based on the measurements of time-of-flight (TOF) and energy loss (∆E). The TOF was measured between two plastic scintillator detectors separated by 26 m and denoted by SC0 and SC1 [30] in Fig. 1. The energy loss was measured using a multiple sampling ionization chamber (denoted by MUSIC0). A typical particle identification spectrum for the$ ^{16} {\rm{C}}$ setting is shown in Fig. 2, which reveals a clean separation between the different constituents of the secondary beams. A typical value for the secondary beam intensity is 100 particles per second.Figure 1. (color online) Schematic view of the layout of the RIBLL2 and the detectors at the ETF area.
Figure 2. (color online) A typical particle identification spectrum of the secondary beams for the 16C setting.
The secondary beams impinged on a 900-mg/cm2-thick carbon reaction target with a diameter of 50 mm to induce the fragmentation reaction. Average center-of-target energies were approximately 240 MeV/nucleon for the
$ ^{12-16} {\rm{C}}$ secondary beams. Two multi-wire drift chambers (MWDC0 and MWDC1), located upstream of the carbon target and each with an active area of 13×13 cm2, were used to measure the trajectories of the incoming particles and restrict the beam spot on the target in the off-line analysis.Downstream of the carbon target, the trajectories of the outgoing particles are monitored by MWDC2 and MWDC3 with the same active area as those upstream of the target. A multiple sampling ionization chamber [31] (MUSIC1) with an active area of 13×13 cm2 was used to identify the charges of the outgoing particles. The energy loss information, measured by MUSIC1, was converted into the charge number Z of the outgoing particles by applying the relation ∆E ~ Z2/v2, where the velocity v was assumed to be constant. A clear charge number Z separation was obtained for the carbon and boron isotopes, as shown in Fig. 3, for the
$ ^{16} {\rm{C}}$ beam setting. The achieved resolution is approximately 0.24 and 0.41 charge units (full width at half maximum) for the carbon and boron isotopes, respectively. The Z resolution descreases as the number of lost charges increases. For events with one or more protons removed from the projectiles, it is possible that the large-acceptance MUSIC1 detector captured several charged fragments. The multitude of possible charged fragment combinations results in overlapping ∆E distributions; thus, the Z resolution deteriorates. In addition, the thickness of the secondary carbon target cannot be ignored. As a result, fragments generated at the entrance or exit of the target will have different energy losses in the target and therefore different outgoing velocities. Because the energy loss depends not only on the charge Z but also on the velocity, the width of the outgoing velocity distribution will deteriorate the Z resolution.Figure 3. (color online) A typical charge number Z identification spectrum for the 16C beam. The black and red lines represent the target-in and the target-out run data, respectively. The target-out run result is multiplied by a factor of 2.28 to compare with the target-in run result.
Measurements without the target were also performed with the same beam conditions as the target-in runs. The results are used to estimate the interaction probability in the detector setup and the air gap between detectors. As shown in Fig. 3, the interaction probability in the target-out runs is small compared to that with the target. In the off-line analysis, to avoid the influence of the reaction on the target frame, the size of the beam spot on the target was limited to 4 cm in diameter by installing a software gate using the position information provided by the MWDCs in front of the target. The sensitive area of the MUSIC1 detector is sufficiently large to cover almost the all outgoing boron particles, as shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 4. (color online) Two-dimensional (X-Y) distribution spectrum of the outgoing boron particles on the MUSIC1 detector for the 16C beam. The red rectangle denotes the sensitive area of MUSIC1.
The elemental fragmentation cross sections σ are obtained from
$ \sigma = \dfrac{1}{t}\dfrac{N_{o}}{N_{i}}, $
(1) where t represents the number of atoms in the carbon target per unit area.
$ N _{i} $ and$ N _{o} $ denote the number of incoming carbon projectiles and outgoing boron fragments, respectively, corrected by the target-out runs. The number of incoming projectiles,$ N _{i} $ , is determined by creating a 3σ ellipse gate on the ∆E-TOF two-dimensional particle identification spectrum. The number of outgoing fragments,$ N _{o} $ , is obtained by integrating the reaction residue peak area within 3σ in the charge number Z spectrum. The obtained elemental fragmentation cross sections of the boron fragments from beams of the carbon isotopes$ ^{12-16} {\rm{C}}$ are σ($ ^{16} {\rm{C}} \rightarrow {\rm{B}}$ ) = 189(9) mb, σ($ ^{15} {\rm{C}} \rightarrow {\rm{B}}$ ) = 176(10) mb, σ($ ^{14} {\rm{C}} \rightarrow {\rm{B}}$ ) = 160(9) mb, σ($ ^{13} {\rm{C}} \rightarrow {\rm{B}}$ ) = 127(13) mb, and σ(12C$ \rightarrow {\rm{B}}$ ) = 119(13) mb, as shown in Fig. 5. Besides the statistical error, the quoted uncertainty includes contributions from the background subtraction. For comparison, the reported cross sections for 12C beams at similar incident energies are also shown in Fig. 5. Out measurement for 12C projectiles is in good agreement with the reported values from Zeitlin et al. [32] and Kidd et al. [33]; however, the measured value by Ogawa et al. [34] is much lower than all other data.Figure 5. (color online) Boron production cross sections versus mass number A of the incoming carbon isotopes impinging on the carbon target in this study (red line) and in literature data. The experimental cross sections are compared with EPAX3 (black line), Modified EPAX2 (orange line), FRACS (blue line), NUCFRG2 (green line), JQMD (light blue line), JQMD-2.0 (cyan line), INCL++ (magenta line), and the abrasion-ablation model (yellow line).
Fragmentation of stable and neutron-rich 12-16C into boron fragments at approximately 240 MeV/nucleon
- Received Date: 2021-07-13
- Available Online: 2022-01-15
Abstract: The elemental fragmentation cross sections of boron fragments produced by stable and neutron-rich 12-16C beams with a carbon target were systematically measured at an incident beam energy of approximately 240 MeV/nucleon. The measured cross sections were found to increase as the projectile mass number increases. The observed feature is explained qualitatively based on the abrasion-ablation two-stage reaction model and is compared quantitatively with predictions from various reaction models, including empirical and statistical models. All models agree with the measured cross sections within a factor of 2.