The details can be found in Ref. [39]; hence, we do not cover them here. Light vector mesons are exchanged between the B and D components, as shown in Fig. 1. We can see that heavy quarks are spectators in the exchange of light vector mesons. Furthermore, assuming
$ m_{\rho}=m_{\omega} $ , the interaction for the$ B^{+}D^{0}(1) $ ,$ B^{0}D^{+}(2) $ channels is given byFigure 1. Vector exchange between the
$ D^{0}B^{+} $ and$ D^{+}B^{0} $ components (in brackets, the four momentum of each particle).$ V_{ij}=-\frac{1}{4f^2}\;C_{ij}\;(p_{1}+p_{2}) \cdot (p_{3}+p_{4});\quad f=93\ \text{MeV}, $
(1) with Cij the element of matrix C,
$ C_{ij}= \left(\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{1 }&{1} \\{1} & {1} \end{array}\right), $
(2) and projected over S-wave
$ (p_{1}+p_{2})\cdot(p_{3}+p_{4})\to\frac{1}{2}\left[3s-2(m^2_{B}+m^2_{D})-\frac{(m_{B}^2-m_{D}^2)^2}{s}\right]. $
(3) The scattering matrix is then given by
$ T=[1-VG]^{-1}V, $
(4) where
$ G={{\rm{diag}}}(G_{1},G_{2}) $ , with$ G_{i} $ being the$ BD $ meson loop function regularized with a cutoff$ \begin{aligned}[b]G_i(\sqrt{s})=\;& \int_{|\vec q\,| < q_{\max}} \dfrac{{{\rm{d}}}^3 q}{(2\pi)^3} \; \dfrac{\omega_1(q)+\omega_2(q)}{2\,\omega_1(q)\, \omega_2(q)}\; \\&\times\dfrac{1}{s-[\omega_1(q)+\omega_2(q)]^2 + {\rm i} \varepsilon}, \end{aligned} $
(5) where
$ \omega_1(q)=\sqrt{\vec q^{\;2} +m_i^2} $ ,$ \omega_2(q)=\sqrt{\vec q^{\;2} +M_i^2} $ , and$ m_i, M_i $ are the masses of the D and B mesons in channel i. With the isospin states$ (B^{+}, B^{0}) $ ,$ (D^{+}, -D^{0}) $ , the$ I=0 $ combination is given by$ \left| {BD, I=0}\right\rangle=-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left| {B^+D^{0}+B^{0}D^+}\right\rangle, $
(6) with which we can obtain
$\langle B D, I=0|V| B D, I=0\rangle=\frac{1}{2}\left(V_{11}+V_{22}+2 V_{12}\right)=2 V_{11} ,$
(7) which is the result obtained in Ref. [39], with
$ V_{ij} $ given by Eqs. (1), (2), and (3). The$ I=1 $ combination is given by$\left|B D, I=1, I_3=0\right\rangle=-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left|B^+ D^0-B^0 D^+\right\rangle.$
(8) We reproduce the results of Ref. [39] using the cutoff regularization with an extra form factor (Eq. (27) from Ref. [39]) stemming from the S-wave projection of a vector meson exchange. However, practically identical results are obtained by ignoring this form factor and decreasing
$ q_{\text{max}} $ . To match the formalism of the correlation functions of Ref. [30], we ignore this form factor and take$ q_{\text{max}} $ of the order of$ 420 \; {\rm{MeV}} $ , as used in Ref. [45], to obtain the binding of the related$ T_{cc} $ state. -
We can evaluate the scattering length a,
$ r_{0} $ for the$ B^{+}D^{0} $ and$ B^{0}D^{+} $ channels by recalling the relationship between our T matrix and that used in quantum mechanics [64]$ T=-8\pi\sqrt{s}\;f^{QM}\simeq -8\pi\sqrt{s}\;\frac{1}{-\dfrac{1}{a}+\dfrac{1}{2}r_{0}k^2-{\rm i}k}, $
(9) with
$ k=\frac{\lambda^{1/2}(s,m_{1}^2,m_{2}^2)}{2\sqrt{s}}, $
(10) from which we easily find
$ -\frac{1}{a_{i}}=\left.\left(-8\pi\sqrt{s}\;T_{ii}^{-1}\right)\right|_{s_{{{\rm{th}}},i}}, $
(11) $ r_{0,i}=\left[\frac{2\sqrt{s}}{\mu_{i}}\frac{\partial}{\partial s}\left(-8\pi\sqrt{s}\;T_{ii}^{-1}+{\rm i}k_{i}\right)\right]_{s_{{{\rm{th}}},i}}, $
(12) where
$ \mu_{i} $ is the reduced mass in channel i, and$ s_{{{\rm{th}}},i} $ and$ k_{i} $ are the square of the threshold mass and the center of mass momenta of the mesons for channel i, respectively. -
We find that there is a pole, which is below the threshold of the two channels and hence corresponds to a bound state. The couplings are obtained from the T matrix in the vicinity of the pole,
$ T_{ij}=\frac{g_{i}\,g_{j}}{s-s_{p}}, $
(13) where
$ s_p $ is the square of the mass at the pole. Thus,$ g_{1}^2=\lim\limits_{s\to s_{p}}(s-s_{p})\;T_{11}, $
(14) $ g_{1}\,g_{j}=\lim\limits_{s\to s_{p}}(s-s_{p})\;T_{1j}, $
(15) which determine the relative sign of
$ g_2 $ with respect to$ g_1 $ . Once the couplings are evaluated, we calculate the molecular probabilities of the$ B^+ D^0 $ and$ B^0 D^+ $ channels, as in Refs. [64, 66, 67].$ {\cal{P}}_{i}=-g_{i}^2\left.\frac{\partial G_{i}}{\partial s}\right|_{s=s_{p}}. $
(16) Another magnitude of relevance is the wave function at the origin in coordinate space, given by [64]
$ \psi_{i}(r=0)=\left.g_{i}\,G_{i}\right|_{s_{{{\rm{th}}},i}}. $
(17) -
We follow the formalism of Ref. [30] and write the correlation functions for the two channels as
$ \begin{aligned}[b] C_{B^+D^0} (p_{D^0})=\;& 1+4\,\pi\, \theta(q_{\max}-p_{D^0})\, \int {\rm d} r \, r^2 S_{12}(r) \\ &\times \left\{\left|j_0(p_{D^0}\, r)+T_{B^+D^0, B^+D^0}(E)\; \tilde{G}^{(B^+D^0)}(r; E)\right|^2 \right. \\ &\;\left. + \left|T_{B^0D^+, B^+D^0}(E)\; \tilde{G}^{(B^0D^+)}(r; E) \right|^2 - j_0^2 (p_{D^0}\, r) \right\}, \end{aligned} $
(18) $ \begin{aligned}[b] C_{B^0D^+} (p_{D^+})=\;& 1+4\,\pi\, \theta(q_{\max}-p_{D^+})\, \int {\rm d}r \, r^2 S_{12}(r) \\ &\times \left\{\left|j_0(p_{D^+}\, r)+T_{B^0D^+, B^0D^+}(E)\; \tilde{G}^{(B^0D^+)}(r; E)\right|^2 \right. \\ &\;\left. + \left|T_{B^+D^0, B^0D^+}(E)\; \tilde{G}^{(B^+D^0)}(r; E) \right|^2 - j_0^2 (p_{D^+}\, r) \right\}, \end{aligned} $
(19) where
$ p_i $ is the momentum of the particles in the rest frame of the pair,$ p_i=\dfrac{\lambda^{1/2}(s, m_i^2, M_i^2)}{2\, \sqrt{s}}, $
(20) $ S_{12}(r) $ is the source function, parameterized as a Gaussian normalized to$ 1 $ ,$ S_{12}(r)= \dfrac{1}{(\sqrt{4\pi}\, R)^3} \; {\rm e}^{-(r^2/4R^2)}, $
(21) and the
$ \tilde{G}^{(i)}(r; E) $ function is defined as$ \tilde{G}^{(i)}(r; E)= \int \dfrac{{{\rm{d}}}^3 q}{(2\pi)^3} \; \dfrac{\omega_1(q)+\omega_2(q)}{2\,\omega_1(q)\, \omega_2(q)}\; \dfrac{j_0(q\, r)}{s-[\omega_1(q)+\omega_2(q)]^2 + {\rm i} \varepsilon}, $
(22) where
$ j_0(q\, r) $ is the spherical Bessel function, and$ E=\sqrt{s} = \sqrt{m_i^2 + \vec p_i^{\; 2}} + \sqrt{M_i^2 + \vec p_i^{\; 2}} $ . -
Here, we assume that the correlation functions have already been measured and attempt to extract the maximum information available using a general framework in which no model assumptions are made. To perform the test, we use the correlation function with the model described in the previous sections, assuming errors at the order of
$ \pm 0.02 $ , which are slightly larger than those obtained in current measurements of correlation functions.We begin by assuming that there is an interaction between the coupled channels, given by
$ V= \left(\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {V_{11}} & {V_{12}} \\ {V_{12} }& {V_{22} } \end{array}\right), $
(23) where
$ V_{ij} $ are unknown potentials to be determined, and the T matrix is given by Eq. (4), using the G function of Eq. (5) with an unknown$ q_{\max} $ . We make no assumption on the isospin structure of a possible bound state but assume that the interaction is isospin symmetric, which implies, according to Eqs. (6), (7), and (8), that$\langle B D, \;I=0|V| B D, \;I=1\rangle=\frac{1}{2}\left(V_{11}-V_{22}\right)=0, $
(24) $ V_{22}=V_{11}. $
(25) In addition, to consider possible sources of interaction originating from channels neglected in our approach, we introduce several energy dependent terms, as discussed in Refs. [68, 69] and studied in [34–36]:
$ V_{11}=V_{11}'+\frac{\alpha}{m_{V}^2}(s-s_{{{\rm{th}}},1}), $
(26) $ V_{12}=V_{12}'+\frac{\beta}{m_{V}^2}(s-s_{{{\rm{th}}},1}), $
(27) where the factor
$ m^2_V $ (with$ m_V=800\; {\rm{MeV}} $ ) is introduced to make$ \alpha, \beta $ dimensionless. Then, we have$ 4 $ free parameters for the interaction, as well as$ q_{\max} $ and R, which is a total of$ 6 $ parameters to fit the two correlation functions. We must be aware that there are strong correlations between these parameters because the input used to obtain the correlation functions corresponds to an interaction at$ I=0 $ ; hence, what matters is the combination$ V_{11}+V_{12} $ . This means that the values we obtain for the parameters in fits to the pseudodata are not meaningful, and only the values of the observables obtained from them are significant. To manage with these correlations, we use the bootstrap or resampling method [70–72], generating random centroids of the data with a Gaussian distribution weight and performing a large number of fits to the data with the new centroids and same errors. After each fit, the values of the observables are evaluated, and the average and dispersion for each are calculated. -
Next, we use the model in Section II with a cutoff regularization of
$ q_{\max}=420\; {\rm{MeV}} $ , as in the study of the$ T_{cc} $ state in Ref. [45]. We obtain a pole at$ \sqrt{s}=7110.41 $ MeV and the couplings given in Table 1. Similarly, the probabilities obtained and the wave functions at the origin are given in Table 2, and the scattering length and effective range are shown in Table 3. As shown, the probability obtained for the sum of the two$ B^+D^0, B^0D^+ $ channels is of the order of 96%. The small deviation from unity is due to the energy dependence of the original potential of Eqs. (1) and (3). We also observe that while$ a_1, r_{0,1} $ are real,$ a_2, r_{0, 2} $ are complex because the$ B^+D^0 $ channel is open at the threshold of the$ B^0 D^+ $ channel. The couplings are very similar, and so are the wave functions at the origin, indicating an$ I=0 $ state, according to Eq. (6). The results for the correlation functions of the two channels are shown in Fig. 2, calculated with$ R=1\, {\rm{fm}} $ .$ \sqrt{s_p} $ $ g_1 $ $ g_2 $ $(7110.41+0\,{\rm i})$ $ 31636.8 $ $ 31631.0 $ Table 1. Pole position and couplings with
$ q_{\max}=420\; {{\rm{MeV}}} $ . [in units of MeV]$ {\cal{P}}_1 $ $ {\cal{P}}_2 $ $ \psi_1(r=0) $ $ \psi_2(r=0) $ $ 0.52 $ $ 0.44 $ $ -14.75 $ $ -13.61 $ Table 2. Probability
$ {\cal{P}}_i $ and wave function at the origin$ \psi_i(r=0) $ for channel i.$ a_{1} $ $ a_{2} $ $ r_1 $ $ r_2 $ $ 0.71 $ $0.50-0.16\,{\rm i}$ $ -0.61 $ $1.22-1.77\,{\rm i}$ Table 3. Scattering length
$ a_i $ and effective range$ r_{i} $ for channel i. [in units of fm]Next, we discuss the results obtained from the resampling method fits to the data. The data with the assumed errors are shown in Fig. 3. A warning should be given: as discussed in detail in Ref. [36], the sign of
$ V_{12} $ is undefined in the present procedure; however, we rely on arguments of heavy quark flavor symmetry to choose solutions with$ V_{11} $ and$ V_{12} $ of the same sign.Figure 3. (color online) Correlation functions for the
$ B^+D^0 $ (left) and$ B^0D^+ $ (right) channels, with 26 points in each curve with an error of$ \pm 0.02 $ . The centroids of the red data follow the theoretical curve. In blue, we plot the centroids obtained in one of the resampling runs, with a random Gaussian generation of the centroids of each point.In Table 4, we show the average values and dispersion of the parameters obtained. As we discussed above, they are not significative owing to the existing correlations. One indication of these correlations is the relatively large parameter errors. Nevertheless, the important aspect is the value of the observables. These can be found in Tables 5, 6, and 7.
$ V'_{11} $ $ V'_{12} $ α β $q_{\max} /{\rm{MeV} }$ $R /{\rm{fm} }$ $ -1537.54\pm 918.93 $ $ -1512.32\pm 913.55 $ $ -31.89\pm 10.00 $ $ -165.16\pm 133.31 $ $ 407.9\pm 60.8 $ $ 1.01 \pm 0.04 $ Table 4. Values obtained for the parameters
$ V'_{11}, V'_{12} $ ,$ \alpha, \beta $ ,$ q_{\max} $ , and R.$ \sqrt{s_p} $ $ g_1 $ $ g_2 $ $ 7107.84\pm 17.79 $ $ 34623.08\pm 14300.15 $ $ 34506.64 \pm 14304.57 $ Table 5. Average values and dispersion of the pole position and couplings. [in units of MeV]
$ {\cal{P}}_1 $ $ {\cal{P}}_2 $ $ \psi_1(r=0) $ $ \psi_2(r=0) $ $ 0.49 \pm 0.03 $ $ 0.42 \pm 0.03 $ $ -13.61\pm 2.65 $ $ -12.61\pm 2.423 $ Table 6. Average value and dispersion of the probability
$ {\cal{P}}_i $ and wave function at the origin$ \psi_i(r=0) $ for channel i.$ a_{1} $ $ a_{2} $ $ r_1 $ $ r_2 $ $ 0.72\pm 0.03 $ $ (0.51\pm 0.02)-$ $(0.17 \pm 0.01)\,{\rm i}$ $ -0.61\pm 0.19 $ $ (1.41\pm 0.28)- $ $(1.65\pm 0.07)\,{\rm i}$ Table 7. Average value and dispersion of the scattering length
$ a_i $ and effective range$ r_{i} $ for channel i. [in units of fm]In Table 5, we show the value of the energy at which the bound state is found, together with the values of the couplings. As shown, a bound state is found around
$ 7108\; {\rm{MeV}} $ , compatible with the bound state obtained with the original model within uncertainties. Interestingly, the error obtained is of the order of$ 18\; {\rm{MeV}} $ . This is not a small error for a binding energy of$ 39\; {\rm{MeV}} $ ; however, this is what can be achieved with the assumed precision of the correlation data. More positively, using the data of the correlations at the$ BD $ threshold, we are still able to predict that there is a bound state with an approximately$ 40\; {\rm{MeV}} $ binding.The couplings
$ g_1, g_2 $ obtained are also compatible with the original ones, and the errors are also not small. Yet, the approximately equal values of the couplings suggest that we are dealing with an$ I=0 $ state.It is interesting to analyze our obtained probabilities of the states, which are shown in Table 6. We again obtain numbers for the probabilities of the two channels compatible with those obtained from the original model, but once again, it is the precision by which they can be obtained that is important. The uncertainties are very small, that is, of the order of 6%. This may be surprising in view of the formula used to obtain
$ {\cal{P}}_i $ (Eq. (16)), which is proportional to$ g_i^2 $ , and$ g_i $ has large errors according to Table 5. If$ g_i^2 $ is bigger in a fit because the state is more bound,${\partial G_{i}}/{\partial s}$ also decreases in strength and the product becomes more stable. This is an interesting and fortunate result of our analysis, which allows us to conclude that the application of the inverse method from the femtoscopic correlation functions would allow us to determine the nature of the bound state obtained with a high accuracy.As shown in Table 7, it is also rewarding to find that we can determine the scattering lengths with good precision and the effective ranges with smaller precision but significant values.
We should also stress that the inverse method allows us to obtain the size of the source function with a relative accuracy of approximately 4% (see Table 4).
Correlation function and the inverse problem in the BD interaction
- Received Date: 2024-02-07
- Available Online: 2024-05-15
Abstract: We study the correlation functions of the