In this section, we consider the holographic QCD model at finite temperature and chemical potential, previously investigated in [65, 66]. The following bulk action can be used to explore the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar system in D spacetime dimensions:
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \ S =& -\frac{1}{16\pi G_D }\int {\rm d}^D x \sqrt{-g} \Bigg [R-\frac{f(\phi)}{4}F_{MN}F^{MN}\\&-\frac{1}{2}\partial_M \phi \partial^M \phi-V(\phi) \Bigg]. \end{aligned} $
(1) $ {G_D} $ is the Newton constant in D dimensions, and it is fixed to one in the numerical computations. The field strength tensor of the$ U(1) $ gauge field$ A_M $ is denoted as$ F_{MN} $ . The potential of the scalar field ϕ is represented by$ V(\phi) $ , and the coupling between the scalar field and the$ U(1) $ gauge field is given by$ f(\phi) $ . To construct the charged hairy black hole solution, we adopt the following ansatz for the background metric, scalar field ϕ, and gauge field$ A_M $ [65]:$ \begin{aligned}[b] & {\rm d} s^{2}=\frac{L^2 {\rm e}^{2 P(z)}}{z^2} \left[ -g(z) {\rm d} t^2+\sum^{D-2}_{i=1} {\rm d} x_{i}^{2}+\frac{{\rm d}z^{2}}{g(z)} \right ],\\ & \phi=\phi(z),\ A_{M}=A_t (z)\delta^t_M. \end{aligned} $
(2) One can get the solution to the equations of motion from action (1), which can be summarized as follows:
$ \begin{aligned}[b] & \ A_t (z) = \widetilde{\mu} \int^{z_h}_z {\rm d}\xi \frac{{\rm e}^{-(D-4)P(\xi)}\xi^{D-4}}{f(\xi)},\\ \ &g (z) = 1+ \int^{z}_0 {\rm d} \xi {\rm e}^{-(D-2)P(\xi)} \xi^{D-2} [ C_{1}+K(\xi) ],\\ & C_{1}=-\frac{1+\displaystyle\int^{z_h}_0 {\rm d}\xi {\rm e}^{-(D-2)P(\xi)} \xi^{D-2} K(\xi)}{\displaystyle\int^{z_h}_0 {\rm d}\xi {\rm e}^{-(D-2)P(\xi)}\xi^{D-2}}, \end{aligned} $
$ \begin{aligned}[b] K(\xi)=&\int {\rm d}\xi \left[\widetilde{\mu}^2 \frac{\xi^{D-4}{\rm e}^{-(D-4)P(\xi)}}{L^2 f(\xi)} \right],\\ \phi(z)=& \int {\rm d} z \sqrt{2(D-2)\left[-P''(z)+P'(z)(P'(z)-\frac{2}{z})\right]}+C_{2},\\ V(z) = &-\frac{2z^{2}g(z) {\rm e}^{-2P(z)}}{L^2} \Bigg[\frac{(D-1)(D-2)}{2z^2}-\frac{3(D-2)}{4}\frac{g'(z)}{zg(z)}\\&+\frac{g''(z)}{4g(z)} +\frac{D-2}{2}P''(z) +(D-2)^2 \Bigg(-\frac{1}{z}+\frac{P'(z)}{2}\\&+\frac{3}{4(D-2)}\frac{g'(z)}{g(z)}\Bigg)P'(z)\Bigg], \end{aligned} $
(3) where z is the usual holographic radial coordinate, the horizon
$ z_h $ is determined by$ g(z_h)=0 $ , and the AdS radius L has been set to one. Here, we will choose the value of$ C_{2} $ such that ϕ approaches zero when it gets close to the asymptotic boundary$ z=0 $ . According to the holographic duality, the gauge field has the following near boundary behavior:$ A_t=\mu- \rho z^{D-3} $ , where the chemical potential and baryon density, respectively, are represented by μ and ρ. Based on the research in [65−67], our$ P(z) $ and$ f(z) $ will take the following form to give a good description of the QCD phenomenon$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} \ P(z)= -a\log(b z^2 +1), \ f(z)={\rm e}^{-(D-4)P(z)}. \end{array} $
(4) The parameters can be fixed as
$a=9.889,\; b=0.0358$ when D = 4, and$a=8.675, \; b=0.019$ when D = 5, while requiring the phase transition temperature$T_{\rm HP} = 270~\rm MeV$ at zero chemical potential for a pure gluon system. The D = 4 and 5 cases are only meant to be used as examples, and one can also study the case of higher dimensions. From the metric, the Hawking temperature, which would be the temperature of the D-dimensional system, ought to be$ \begin{aligned}[b] T=&\frac{z^{D-2}_h {\rm e}^{-(D-2)P(z_{h})}}{4\pi} \\&\times\Bigg[-K(z_h)+\frac{1+\displaystyle\int^{z_h}_0 {\rm d}\xi {\rm e}^{-(D-2)P(\xi)} \xi^{D-2} K(\xi)}{\displaystyle\int^{z_h}_0 {\rm d}\xi {\rm e}^{-(D-2)P(\xi)}\xi^{D-2}}\Bigg]. \end{aligned} $
(5) In this study, the phase transition temperature is fixed to study the complexity growth in D dimensions around the phase transition temperature.
Using the strategy in [57], in this section, we present an analysis of the NG action growth in the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar system with a probe string, which is a dual description of the complexity growth according to the CA conjecture. Now, we explore the effect of string motion in this spacetime geometry, for which we use the parameters τ and σ of the worldsheet as follows:
$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} \ t=\tau,\ \ r=\sigma, \ \phi=v\tau+\xi(\sigma). \end{array} $
(6) Here, the function
$ \xi(\sigma) $ specifies the shape of the string, and υ is the string velocity relative to the black hole. By integrating the square root of the determinant of the induced metric over the WDW patch, we obtain the time derivative of the NG action$ \begin{aligned}[b] \frac{{\rm d} S_{\rm N G}}{{\rm d} t}=&T_{s} \int_{z_{h}}^{\infty} {\rm d} \sigma \sqrt{-g_{\text {ind }}(\sigma)}\\=&T_{s} \int_{z_{h}}^{\infty} {\rm d} \sigma \sqrt{-g_{t t} g_{z z}-g_{z z} g_{x x} v^{2}-g_{t t} g_{x x} \xi^{\prime 2}}, \end{aligned} $
(7) where
$g_{tt}= -\dfrac{L^2 {\rm e}^{2 P_s(z)}}{z^2} g(z)$ ,$g_{xx}=\dfrac{L^2 {\rm e}^{2 P_s(z)}}{z^2}$ , and$g_{zz}= \dfrac{L^2 {\rm e}^{2 P_s(z)}}{z^2} \dfrac{1}{g(z)}$ .$ T_{s} $ is the fundamental string tension. The equation of motion for ξ is obtained by varying the above action:$ \frac{{\rm d}}{{\rm d} \sigma}\left(\frac{-g_{t t} g_{x x} \xi^{\prime}}{\sqrt{-g_{t t} g_{z z}-g_{z z} g_{x x} v^2-g_{t t} g_{x x} \xi^{\prime 2}}}\right)=0. $
(8) We define a constant as follows:
$ \ \Pi_{\xi}=\frac{-g_{tt}g_{xx} \xi'}{\sqrt{-g_{tt}g_{zz}-g_{zz}g_{xx}\upsilon^2-g_{tt}g_{xx}\xi'^{2}}}, $
(9) and
$ \xi'^{2} $ can now be resolved as$ \xi'^{2}=\frac{-g_{zz}(g_{tt}+g_{xx} \upsilon^2)\Pi^2_{\xi}}{g_{tt}g_{xx}(g_{tt}g_{xx}+\Pi^2_{\xi})}. $
(10) The numerator and denominator have to change signs at the same position. However, under this condition, we can find the critical point as
$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} \ g_{tt}(z_{c})=-g_{xx}(z_{c})\upsilon^2, \end{array} $
(11) and
$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} \ \Pi^2_{\xi}=-g_{tt}(z_{c})g_{xx}(z_{c}). \end{array} $
(12) By substituting the Eqs. (10), (11), and (12) into Eq. (7), the growth of the action can be expressed as
$ \frac{{\rm d} S_{N G}}{{\rm d} t}=T_s \int_{z_h}^{\infty} {\rm d} \sigma \sqrt{-\frac{g_{tt} g_{x x} g_{z z}\left(g_{t t}+g_{x x} v^2\right)}{g_{t t} g_{x x}+\left(g_{x x}\left(z_c\right)\right)^2 v^2}}. $
(13) We numerically solve the integral (13) and show how the string velocity, chemical potential, and temperature affect the NG action growth in D dimensions, as shown in the following figures.
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the correlation between the action growth and the string velocity at different chemical potentials can be analyzed. Notably, an increase in the chemical potential and a slower string movement leads to a larger action growth, while a faster string movement results in a reduced effect. The action growth reaches its maximum when the string velocity is zero, which means it is stationary. Several previous studies [57−64] have also observed a similar phenomenon. Additionally, a larger chemical potential results in a higher peak value of the action growth. As the dimension grows, the velocity dependent action growth becomes more gentle, resulting in a smoother slope. It can be inferred that in higher dimensions, the impact of the probe string is less sensitive.
Figure 1. (color online) The action growth versus string velocity for different chemical potentials when
$T=0.27~\rm GeV$ in the D = 4 and 5 cases.The study presented in Fig. 2 demonstrates how action growth depends on the chemical potential for different string velocities close to the speed of light. The observed data suggests that a faster string results in smaller action growth, which agrees with the findings shown in Fig. 1. As a function of the chemical potential, in the vicinity of light speed, the action growth always increases monotonically. Fig. 3 shows how the action growth varies with the temperature for a fixed chemical potential when D = 4 and 5. Near the critical temperature, the action growth exhibits a multi-valued behavior within the range
$ 0<\mu<\mu_c $ , indicating the presence of a first-order phase transition. However, for$ \mu \geq \mu_c $ , it is single-valued, reflecting a shift from phase transition to crossover. Our results indicate a decrease in the phase transition temperature corresponding to increased chemical potential, which agrees with the lattice QCD results [68]. In addition, we notice that the action growth values are enhanced by the chemical potential for the D = 4 and 5 cases. Moreover, Fig. 3 reveals a remarkable similarity between complexity and thermal entropy, as illustrated in Fig. 10 of [66], potentially attributable to complexity’s behavior, which is similar to entropy, in satisfying the second law of thermodynamics [69].
Complexity growth in a holographic QCD model
- Received Date: 2023-10-10
- Available Online: 2024-03-15
Abstract: In this study, we utilize the complexity-action duality to study the evolution of complexity in a holographic QCD model at finite temperature and chemical potential. By inserting a fundamental string as a probe, we investigated the properties of complexity growth in this Einstein-Maxwell-scalar gravity system, which is affected by the string velocity, chemical potential, and temperature. Our results show that the complexity growth is maximized when the probe string is stationary, and it decreases as the velocity of the string increases. When the string approaches relativistic velocities, the complexity growth always increases monotonically with respect to the chemical potential. Furthermore, we find that the complexity growth can be used to identify phase transitions and crossovers in the model.