We consider an action in Horndeski theory with a scalar field denoted by
$ \phi(r) $ [35],$ \begin{aligned}[b] {\cal S} =\;& \int {{\rm d}^4} x \sqrt{-g} \big\{ Q_2(\chi) +Q_3(\chi) \Box \phi + Q_4(\chi) R \\ & +Q_{4, \chi} \big[ (\Box \phi)^2 -\left(\nabla^\mu \nabla^\nu \phi \right) \left(\nabla_\mu \nabla_\nu \phi \right) \big] \big\} ,\; \; \end{aligned} $
(1) where
$ {\chi}\equiv - \frac{1}{2} \nabla^\mu \phi \nabla_\mu \phi, $
(2) and
$ Q_2 = \alpha_{21} \chi + \alpha_{22} (-\chi)^{w_2}, $
(3) $ Q_3 = \alpha_{31} (-\chi)^{w_3}, $
(4) $ Q_4 = \kappa^{-2} + \alpha_{42} (-\chi)^{w_4}, $
(5) with
$ \kappa \equiv \sqrt{8 \pi} $ . For the 4-current to vanish at infinity and considering the finiteness of energy, we set$ \alpha_{21}=\alpha_{31}=0 $ and$ w_2=3 w_4=3/2 $ [35]. The comma in the subscript denotes the derivative with respect to the quantity close to it, R is the Ricci scalar,$ \nabla $ denotes the covariant derivative operator, and the operator$ \Box $ is defined as$ \Box \equiv \nabla^{\mu} \nabla_{\mu} $ .The static and spherically symmetric background metric is expressed in the line-element form as [in the Boyer-Lindquist coordinate
$ (t, r,\theta, \phi) $ ]$ {\rm d} s^2 = -A {\rm d} t^2 + B^{-1} {\rm d} r^2 + r^2 {\rm d}\Omega^2, $
(6) where
${\rm d} \Omega^2$ is the unit two-sphere line element, and A and B are functions of r. Their explicit expressions, together with the background scalar field (denoted by$ \phi_0 $ ), are found to satisfy$ \begin{aligned}[b] & A(r) = B(r) = 1-\frac{1}{r} +\frac{q}{r} \ln r, \\& \phi_0' = \mathfrak{k} \frac{2}{r} \sqrt{-\dfrac{\alpha_{42}}{3 B \alpha_{22}}}, \end{aligned} $
(7) where a prime in the superscript denotes the derivative with respect to r and
$ \mathfrak{k}=\pm 1 $ . The charge q satisfies$ q = (2/3)^{3/2} \kappa^2 \alpha_{42} \sqrt{-\alpha_{42}/\alpha_{22}} $ . Clearly, we must set$\alpha_{42} \cdot \alpha_{22} \leq 0$ .On the basis of the background fields just defined, we are on the position to consider the odd-parity perturbations
1 to them. Note that, given that the scalar field perturbation only has even-parity contributions [39, 40], we only consider the gravitational perturbation for the odd-parity sector.We define the metric as
$ g_{\mu \nu} = {\bar g}_{\mu \nu} + \epsilon h_{\mu \nu} $ , where$ \epsilon $ is a bookkeeping parameter (in contrast, for the scalar field we simply have$ \phi=\phi_0 $ ). The perturbation function$ h_{\mu \nu} $ can be parameterized as [16]$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} h_{\mu \nu} &=& \displaystyle\sum\limits_{l=0}^{\infty} \displaystyle\sum\limits_{m=-l}^{l} \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & C_{lm}\csc \theta \partial_\varphi & -C_{lm} \sin \theta \partial_\theta\\ 0 & 0 & J_{lm}\csc \theta \partial_\varphi & -J_{lm} \sin \theta \partial_\theta\\ sym & sym & G_{lm}\csc \theta \big(\cot \theta \partial_\varphi-\partial_\theta \partial_\varphi \big) & sym \\ sym & sym & \dfrac{1}{2} G_{lm}\big(\sin \theta \partial^2_\theta - \cos \theta \partial_\theta- \csc \theta \partial^2_\varphi\big) & - G_{lm} \sin \theta \big(\cot \theta \partial_\phi- \partial_\theta \partial_\varphi \big) \end{pmatrix} Y_{l m}(\theta, \varphi), \\ \end{array} $ (8) where
$ C_{lm} $ ,$ J_{lm} $ , and$ G_{lm} $ are functions of t and r, while$ Y_{l m}(\theta, \phi) $ denotes the spherical harmonics. From this point on, we set$ m=0 $ in the above expressions so that$ \partial_\phi Y_{lm}(\theta, \phi)=0 $ . The background has spherical symmetry, and the corresponding linear perturbations do not depend on m [38, 41]. In addition, we adopt the gauge condition$ {G}_{lm}=0 $ (which can be referred to as the RW gauge [38]) in the following, which will set$ C_{lm} $ and$ J_{lm} $ as gauge invariants [16]. For simplicity, we drop the subscript "$ lm $ " in the following to avoid any confusion.By substituting the full metric and scalar field back into the Lagrangian [the integrant of the action described by Eq. (1)], and selecting the
$ {\cal O} (\epsilon^2) $ terms, we obtain$ \begin{aligned}[b] {\cal L}_{\text{odd}} =\;& L\Big( \beta_1 {\dot J}^2 -2 \beta_1 {\dot J} {C^\prime} + \beta_1 \frac{4}{r}{\dot J} C \\ & + \beta_1 {C^{\prime 2}} + \beta_2 J^2 + \beta_3 C^2 \Big), \end{aligned} $
(9) where
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \beta_1 \equiv\;& \frac{1 }{2 \kappa ^2} \sqrt{\frac{B}{A}}, \\ \beta_2 \equiv\;& \frac{A^2}{8 A^{3/2} \kappa ^2 r^2 \phi '} \bigg[8 B^{3/2} \phi '+2 \sqrt{2} B^2 \kappa ^2 \left(4 \alpha _{42} \left(\phi '\right)^2+2 \alpha _{42} r^2 \left(\phi ''\right)^2+\left(\alpha _{22}-2 \alpha _{42}\right) r^2 \left(\phi '\right)^4-2 \alpha _{42} r^2 \phi ^{(3)} \phi '\right) \\ & +\sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} \kappa ^2 r^2 \left(B'\right)^2 \left(\phi '\right)^2-2 \sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} B \kappa ^2 r \phi ' \left(r B'' \phi '+B' \left(r \phi ''+2 \phi '\right)\right)-4 \sqrt{B} L \phi '\bigg] \\ &+ \frac{2 \sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} B^2 \kappa ^2 r^2 \left(A'\right)^2 \left(\phi '\right)^2-A B r \phi ' \left(2 \sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} B \kappa ^2 r A'' \phi '+\sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} \kappa ^2 r A' B' \phi '-8 \sqrt{B} A'\right)}{8 A^{3/2} \kappa ^2 r^2 \phi '}, \\ \beta_3 \equiv\;& \frac{A^2 }{16 A^{5/2} B \kappa ^2 r^2 \phi '} \bigg\{ 2 \sqrt{2} B^2 \kappa ^2 r \left(2 \alpha _{42} r \left(\phi ''\right)^2+\left(\alpha _{22}-2 \alpha _{42}\right) r \left(\phi '\right)^4-4 \alpha _{42} \phi ' \left(r \phi ^{(3)}+2 \phi ''\right)\right) \\ & +8 \sqrt{B} \phi ' \left(L-r B'\right)+\sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} \kappa ^2 r^2 \left(B'\right)^2 \left(\phi '\right)^2 +4 \sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} B \kappa ^2 \phi ' \left[\phi ' \left(r^2 \left(-B''\right)-4 r B'+L\right)-2 r^2 B' \phi ''\right]\bigg\} \\ & +\frac{3 \sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} B^2 \kappa ^2 r^2 A^{\prime 2} \phi^{\prime 2}-4 A B r \phi ' \Big[ \sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} \kappa ^2 r A' B' \phi '+2 \sqrt{B} A'+\sqrt{2} \alpha _{42} B \kappa ^2 \left(r A'' \phi '+A' \left(r \phi ''+2 \phi '\right)\right) \Big]}{16 A^{5/2} B \kappa ^2 r^2 \phi '}, \\ \end{aligned} $ (10) $ L\equiv l (l+1) $ ; a dot on a variable denotes time derivative whereas "$ (n) $ '' in the superscript denotes the n-th derivative with respect to r. Note that to obtain Eq. (9), integration by parts [42] and the properties of spherical harmonics [16] have been widely used. Note also that the Lagrangian previously defined can be reduced to that of GR at the$ \alpha_{42}=\alpha_{22}=0 $ limit.According to [27] and introducing a new gauge invariant
$ \zeta \equiv \frac{2}{r} C-C^\prime+{\dot J}, $
(11) the Lagrangian expressed by Eq. (9) becomes
$ \begin{aligned}[b] {\cal L}_{\text{odd}} =\;& L\bigg\{ \beta_1 \left[\zeta^2 -2 \zeta \left( \frac{2}{r} C-C^\prime+{\dot J} \right) \right] \\ & + \beta_2 J^2 + \left( \beta_3-\frac{2}{r^2} \beta_1-\frac{2}{r} \beta_1^\prime \right) C^2 \bigg\},\; \; \; \end{aligned} $
(12) for which the Euler-Lagrange (E-L) equation [43] can be applied on C and J so that their expressions in terms of ζ can be solved. Similar to previous studies, for instance [16] and [27], these solved expressions can be substituted back into Eq. (12), leading to a Lagrangian composed of a single variable ζ (given that non-dynamical terms have been eliminated). Such a Lagrangian can be expressed as
$ {\cal L}_{\text{odd}} = \mathbb{K} {\dot \zeta}^2+\mathbb{G} { \zeta}^{\prime 2}+\mathbb{N} { \zeta}^2. $
(13) To abbreviate the mathematical formulation, we shorten the full expressions of
$ \mathbb{K} $ ,$ \mathbb{G} $ , and$ \mathbb{N} $ . These full expressions can be found in the supplemental material of [44]. The Lagrangian expressed by Eq. (13) is reduced to that of GR at the$ \alpha_{42}=\alpha_{22}=0 $ limit. -
Let us work on the basis of the reduced Lagrangian expressed by Eq. (13). According to [39], the no-ghost stability condition requires
$ \mathbb{K}>0 $ . Using Eq. (7) on$ \mathbb{K} $ , at the point$ r=1 $ it becomes$ \left. \mathbb{K} \right|_{r\to1}= \frac{81 \sqrt{\dfrac{3}{2}} \alpha _{22} \sqrt{-\dfrac{\alpha _{42}}{\alpha _{22}}} L}{64 \pi ^2 \alpha _{42}^2 \left(16 \pi \sqrt{6} \sqrt{-\dfrac{\alpha _{42}}{\alpha _{22}}} \alpha _{42}+9\right){}^2 \mathfrak{k}}. \\ $
(14) Clearly, the no-ghost condition holds only when
${\alpha _{22}} \cdot \mathfrak{k} > 0$ , which implies$ -{\alpha _{42}} \cdot \mathfrak{k} > 0 $ . For later convenience, let us introduce a set of reduced coupling parameters (which are always positive):$ \kappa_{22}\equiv \alpha_{22}/\mathfrak{k} $ and$\kappa_{42}\equiv -\alpha_{42}/\mathfrak{k}$ .According to [27], we define the propagation speed at the radial direction as
$c_r \equiv {\rm d} r_\ast/ {\rm d} t={\hat c}_r/A$ . Here,$ {\hat c}_r $ is a quantity introduced to better describe the radial Laplacian stability condition, which is found to satisfy$ {\hat c}_r^2 \mathbb{K} + \mathbb{G} = 0 $ [27], so that$ {\hat c}_r^2=-\mathbb{G} \cdot \mathbb{K}^{-1} $ . Furthermore, the radial Laplacian stability condition is given by$ {\hat c}_r^2 \geq 0 $ .To monitor the behavior of
$ {\hat c}_r^2 $ as a function of r, we plotted it out in the phase space of$ (\kappa_{42}, \kappa_{22}) $ by setting$ l=2 $ , as shown in Fig. 1 for various values of r; both cases,$ \mathfrak{k} = \pm 1 $ , are considered. Within the colorful shadowed regions, the radial Laplacian condition, viz.,$ {\hat c}_r^2 \geq 0 $ , is satisfied. In these regions, the quantity$ {\hat c}_r^2 $ is considered at different positions by varying r. Note from Fig. 1 that the "stable region" is shrinking as r approaches the event horizon$ r=1 $ . It is omitted in Fig. 1 that the stable region disappears if r is sufficiently close to$ 1 $ , e.g., when$ r=1+ 10^{-20} $ . This means that this type of instability exists no matter how the coupling parameters are chosen.Figure 1. Phase space of
$ (\kappa_{42}, \kappa_{22}) $ for which the shadowed regions satisfy$ {\hat c}_r^2 \geq 0 $ , i.e., the radial Laplacian condition is satisfied. The blue, orange, green, and red shadowed regions correspond to$ r=10^4,\;500,\;20,\;1.001 $ , respectively. Upper panel:$ \mathfrak{k} = 1 $ ; lower panel:$ \mathfrak{k} = -1 $ . Here we set$ l=2 $ . Note that only the first quadrant of$ (\kappa_{42}, \kappa_{22}) $ is considered given that$ \kappa_{42} $ and$ \kappa_{22} $ are defined to be positive (cf., Sec. III).For further clarity, let us consider the quantity
$ {\hat c}_r^2 $ in the neighborhood of the event horizon$ r=1 $ (without setting l to a specific value) and insert the full expressions [44]. This leads to$ \begin{aligned}[b] \left. {\hat c}_r^2 \right|_{r \to 1} =\;& -\frac{2}{81} (r-1)^2 \left(16 \sqrt{6} \pi \kappa _{42} \sqrt{\frac{\kappa _{42}}{\kappa _{22}}} \mathfrak{k}-9\right)^2 \\ & + {\cal O}(r-1)^3. \end{aligned} $
(15) Thus, for any combination of the coupling parameters, the radial Laplacian instability always exists in the neighborhood of
$ r=1 $ , as we previously mentioned. This result is consistent with the conclusions drawn in [33−45]2 .
Linear instability of hairy black holes in Horndeski theory
- Received Date: 2024-02-29
- Available Online: 2024-07-15
Abstract: Horndeski theory constitutes the most general model of scalar-tensor theories. It has attracted much attention in recent years in relation with black holes, celestial dynamics, stability analysis, etc. It is important to note that, for certain subclasses of Horndeski models, one can obtain analytic solutions for the background fields. This facilitates the investigation of the corresponding stability problems in detail. In particular, we aim to determine the constraints to the model or theory under which the stability conditions can be satisfied. In this study, we focused on a subclass of Horndeski theory and a set of analytic background solutions. In addition, the odd-parity gravitational perturbation and 2nd-order Lagrangian were investigated. Through careful analysis, the instability was identified within the neighborhood of the event horizon. This allows exclusion of a specific geometry for the model. Such an instability is implanted in the structure of the corresponding Lagrangian and is not erased by simply adding numerical constraints on the coupling parameters. As a starting point of our research, the current study provides insights for further exploration of the Horndeski theory.