Analysis of the Probability Distribution of the Non-reproducibility of the Cross Sections in the Two Dissipative Collisions of 19F+93Nb
- Received Date: 2003-01-15
- Accepted Date: 1900-01-01
- Available Online: 2003-12-05
Abstract: Two independent measurements with different target foils of nominally the same thickness have been performed for the 19F+93Nb dissipative heavy ion collision. The beam 19F8+ energies were from 102 MeV to 108 MeV in steps of 250keV. The probability distribution of the differences of the cross sections in the two measurements and the probability distribution of the measured cross section relative deviations from the energy smooth background are analyzed. These distributions indicate that the non-reproducibility of the cross sections is of a statistical significance but not resulted from the insufficient statistics counting rates.